Kennected - Lead Generation Simplified
Striving To Help
Business Owners
Simplify And Automate
Lead Generation
Kennected helps Businesses capture hard-to-reach, ideal leads through LinkedIn marketing strategies & email.
Automated LinkedIn Lead Generation For Business Owners And Sales Professionals

Check out this Kennected Demo video (from CEO Devin Johnson) to see how you can use our LinkedIn automation software to fill your sales pipeline with qualified leads... 
Without paid ads, fancy funnels or manual prospecting

Check out this Kennected Demo video (from CEO Devin Johnson) to see how you can use our LinkedIn automation software to fill your sales pipeline with qualified leads... Without wasting time on manual prospecting




Leads Generated

Over $150M

Revenue Generated For Our Clients

Trusted By Over 15,000 Customers, Including...
Kennected - Merill Lynch
Kennected - SocialX
Kennected - Cardone Ventures
Kennected - Merill Lynch
Kennected - SocialX
Kennected - SocialX
Kennected - MRI Network
Kennected - Valet Auto Transport
Kennected - Cardone Ventures
Kennected - MRI Network
Kennected - Valet Auto Transport
Kennected - Cardone Ventures
Kennected - Valet Auto Transport
Kennected - SocialX
Kennected - Merill Lynch
Kennected - MRI Network
Kennected - Valet Auto Transport
Kennected - SocialX
Kennected - Merill Lynch
Kennected - MRI Network

What Are Others Already Saying About 'Kennected?'

$60,000 in his first 3 months

Andy Mork

Profession: Video Marketing 


"Before I started using Kennected, I was prospecting businesses via networking events, reaching out via email or cold call... 

When I started using Kennected it really automated my way of prospecting. 

Within three months I was able to gain about $60,000 worth of business for very low price and I barely had to do any work at all. 

It's also allowed me to reach into markets that I haven't even conceived before, and just by reaching directly out to marketing directors and the type of people that I want to be talking to. 

Incredibly easy to use, highly recommended." -Andy Mork, CEO at Mork Productions

Connected With 80% Of His Clients On LinkedIn Using Kennected

Tim Campsall

Profession: Results Coach


"Prior to Kennected I was doing manual outreach and had pretty good success with connecting to prospects and getting them to follow up and have meetings with me...

But as I got busier, it was impossible to continue that level of activity..."


"Kennected... has done something that I actually teach my clients to do, which is automate the routine work. 

So now Kennected does all of that behind the scenes work for me, reaching out to prospects, getting appointments set on calendars... 

About 80% of my clients are actually people who I've reached out to on LinkedIn, over the past year, using Kennected as my tool to do that." -Tim Campsall, Results Coach at Action Coach

"Way Too Many Leads"

Athena Kavis

Profession: Serial Entrepreneur


"I've been using Kennected for 3.5 months now and I just have way too many leads, which is always a good problem to have.

Kennected is by far my favorite lead generation tool for LinkedIn" -Athena Kavis, CEO of Las Vegas Teslas
Who Is This For?

If you’re a business owner or sales professional who wants a reliable way to fill your sales pipeline with qualified leads…

So you can close more deals and have more peace of mind for you and your loved ones... 

Then stick around, because it’s crucial you understand this right now...

We all know that the business world has turned upside down in the last year…

For most people, gone are the days of getting new clients from networking events and in person meetings…

So we have to do it online… 

And that is actually great news for you. 

This gives you a huge advantage over your competition IF you understand the principles I am about to share with you.


if you’re like many business owners, you may be struggling to generate leads online right now. 

Even though you work hard, your current marketing strategy isn’t working consistently... and you may not even know where to start.

So you’re stuck relying on referrals, leads lists or manual prospecting... 

Which is giving you inconsistent income, taking up way too much of your time...

And negatively affecting other areas of your life... like health, stress levels, and relationships.  

Now, if this is you right now, we want you to know... it’s probably not your fault. 

Covid changed the landscape of business forever, and everyone has been forced to adapt to this online world.

We are dedicated to helping you succeed in business because your success is literally our success and we know you have big dreams…

You promised yourself and your loved ones a certain lifestyle…

You want the freedom to decide what car you drive, what house you live in, and when you can take a vacation with your friends or family…

And we want to help you bring those dreams to life. 

Kennected was created so that business owners, like you, who don't have time to waste doing manual prospecting, can easily turn cold connections into sales conversations on LinkedIn! 

Giving you a reliable source of qualified online leads that you can convert into paying clients. 

While a large majority of our customers are B2B, this software and strategy has produced success stories in almost every industry imaginable:

How We Convert Cold LinkedIn Connections Into Paying Clients

Without Cold Calling, Paid Advertising Or Manual Prospecting...

There's a little known strategy most of our 15,000+ customers are using to fill their sales pipelines with qualified leads...

Then converting those leads into paying clients.

This new methodology has helped us and our clients not only get new deals with predictability, but also eliminate 9+ hours of prospecting work per week…

So you can spend more time doing what YOU want to do…

Like closing deals, playing golf, and being with the people you love.

We call it the Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Funnel.

First I’ll quickly show you why we focus on LinkedIn…

Then we’ll cover how this simple LinkedIn Sales Funnel works for you to do on your own…

Lastly, I’ll show you how you can automate 90% of the funnel using Kennected’s software…

So to start...

Why LinkedIn?


  • LinkedIn is the world’s largest database of business owners
  • It has an active & mature user base with lots of money going around (44% of all users have incomes over $75K)
  • And there’s usually no gatekeeper

What this means for you is that you can connect directly with the key decision makers you need to talk to to sell your product or service.

So how do we do that?

We call it the Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Funnel.

Here’s how that works...

1. The First Step Is Hunting 

This is where you go to the LinkedIn search to identify the exact target customer you are looking for...

For example, if your target customer is a CEO in Indianapolis, IN, you can do a boolean search on LinkedIn for “CEO” AND “Indianapolis, IN...”

This pulls up a list of people matching your exact target audience...

2. Next Is Engaging...

To start, you connect directly with these people in your target audience by sending a connection request...

When people accept your connection request, you send an introduction message to start the conversation directly with these key decision makers in your target audience.

Some people won’t answer the first message, so you send value based follow up messages to these people until they engage in a conversation with you.

From There, You Build The Relationship A Bit And Ask Them To Get On A "Discovery Call" To Get To Know Each Other.

This is where you build genuine rapport with this person and learn about what’s going on in their business and life.

As you’re in conversation, the question “what do you do” naturally comes up.

This is your opportunity to give your benefit driven elevator pitch designed to catch their interest.

If they want to hear more about your product or service (which is the goal), you can either go into your pitch or invite them to a follow up call.

3. Then It’s Up To You To Nurture The Relationship And Close.

If you’re like most of our customers, you know how to close… you’ve just needed more people to talk to.

And THAT is exactly what the Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Funnel does for you.

But that’s not all you can do with this model...

Even If You’re Not Closing B2B Deals, You Can Also Use This Same Funnel To:
  • Increase viewers to your podcast
  • Get speaking engagements
  • ​Get media features
  • ​Connect with the top players in your industry
  • ​Grow your YouTube channel or FB Group
  • ​Meet investors/strategic partners
  • ​Recruit talent
  • ​Build your email list
  • ​And much more

For example, AJ Adams, a high ticket coach uses Kennected to book podcasts, interviews and speaking gigs.

About Kennected, he says...

AJ Adams

“Killing it! Had to turn it off because I had too many responses.

I booked 30 or so podcasts, 10 of which are as a guest. 5 min ago I finished replying to 50+ unread messages and have another 2-3 interviews I’m booking. Also, I booked a speaking gig.”
Now I know you may be thinking, “sounds great... but this Looks like it will take a lot of my time.”

And you'd be right... if you were doing this process manually!

In fact, we used to have that exact problem...

Which is how Kennected was born! 

In 2018, the other 4 co-founders and I were running a digital marketing agency and our main source of qualified leads was from manual outreach using the LinkedIn Sales Funnel.

The problem was we were each wasting around 9 hours a week on repetitive tasks…

Like sending out individual connection requests, intro messages and follow ups...

It wasn’t a scalable solution.

We needed a reliable and consistent way to generate leads… without wasting all our time on manual prospecting.

So We spent 6 months and over 6 figures developing a software that automated 90% of the linkedIn sales Funnel…

Allowing us to get more qualified leads and close more deals in far less time.

First we used it to quickly grow their own business, never intending to share it with the world.

But after closing $72,000 in our first month using the software, a couple friends/existing clients asked how we were doing it.

After teaching them how to use the LinkedIn Sales Funnel and letting them use the software, they started getting amazing results as well.

So they started raving about it to their friends, and soon everyone was buzzing about it.

And that’s how Kennected was born. We decided to go all in bringing this software to the entrepreneurial world.

Since then:

  • We’ve worked with over 15,000 customers, across dozens of different industries, and grown to over 100+ team members.
  • ​Helped our clients collectively generate over $150 Million in revenue
  • And earned The Two Comma Club Award from Clickfunnels for making over $1,000,000 with ONE funnel.
Let me show you it works:

1. Identify a targeted list of your ideal prospects on LinkedIn

2. Set up proven cold outreach messaging sequences that actually get responses

3. Our software automatically sends hundreds (or thousands) of these  messages to your prospects every month

4. You continue the conversation when leads respond, so you can build the relationship and close the deal

Let's dive into that a bit deeper...

Kennected automates and helps you with 90% of this process

Saving business owners an average of 9 hours per week of prospecting.

During your 1 hour onboarding call (via Zoom), we help you optimize your profile to look like an authority so people actually want to have a conversation with you.

95% of people aren’t doing this, and it’s a huge reason why they aren’t getting any new business from LinkedIn.

Next we help you identify your exact target audience in the LinkedIn search… 

Most people don’t know how to do this right using a Boolean search. 

Generalized searches don’t get the best results anymore. 

Our strategies focus on hyper targeted searches that open the door for personalized messages that convert.

A lot of people struggle with what to say in their messages... 

So we also help craft your messages based on our experience helping over 15k+ customers increase their network and qualified lead flow using LinkedIn.

Our software then automates the Connection Requests, Introduction Messages, and Follow Up Messages to this target audience… 

You simply need to build the relationship with people who have already engaged in conversation with you...

And close.

It’s kind of like having a full time sales development rep prospecting all day For you (without asking for a paycheck)

Our software is prospecting while you’re closing deals, sleeping or spending time with the people you love.

Even better (marketers love this)… 

Even with the people who don’t respond to your messages, you are collecting all kinds of data like names, emails, phone numbers and more...

So you can follow up through other channels like email, text or creating custom audiences for marketing.

And the best part…

All Of This Is Done Without Paid Ads, Cold Calling Or Complicated Sales Funnels… 

Our mission here is to simplify lead flow for business owners, because we believe lead generation has become way too complicated...

All these marketers are tricking you into thinking you need paid ads, fancy funnels, new tech and all this other stuff...

It’s simply not true. You can close more than enough deals to fund your lifestyle and legacy by having direct conversations with key decision makers through LinkedIn.

Again, this is for any business that needs a consistent source of Qualified leads...

Consistently sets 15 appointments on the calendar each week

Peter Ciravolo

Profession: Insurance Agent


"Before Kennected, not so different than any other insurance agent, we started off with our natural market.

My business partner and I would go out shake a lot of hands, kiss babies go to networking events, we'll do your email follow up your call follow up everything that a normal agent does. But we knew we needed some tools to help us get to the next level. 

There are a few problems with the normal way of prospecting...

For one, it's just friends and family, there's a finite amount of them eventually you will run out of names, and... 

Two, it takes a lot of work, you got to call text emails, many people they don't answer the first or second time, any sales person, they know that the special sauce is in the follow up, it takes people, six, seven times to respond." 


"Then we started with Kennected, all of a sudden we start sending out 100 LinkedIn requests a day, we started being able to send it out directly to our target market, the people we want to be in front of, and the people who are going to buy our product and service. 

After just a few days and 300-400 invites out, we already had 15 appointments set for the following week. 

Since we've been on Kennected, eight weeks later, we have consistently set 15 appointments on the calendar, due to Kennected." -Peter Ciravolo, Insurance Agent at BC Brokerage

$22,000 Last Month From Kennected

Gavin Lira

Profession: FB Advertising


"Last month, we closed over $22,000 from Kennected.

I will stand behind this product. This is something I commonly refer to my network.

They have a great support team. Always taking care of me. (They) run the company like a well oiled machine. I have had no problems getting help when I needed it." -Gavin Lira, Founder and CEO at Empathy Digital Marketing
Ready to become our next success story?

Here’s how we set you up for success using this model…

To start, you get on a 1 hour onboarding call (via Zoom) with one of our Lead Flow Specialists where we’ll optimize your LinkedIn Profile so you look like an expert in your industry.

Here's an example:

Profile Before Optimization

Profile After Optimization

This is super important to getting results, and here’s why…

When you’re seen as an expert:

  • People want to accept your connection request
  • They will introduce you to their network
  • And it is 10X easier to close a deal 

Because you’re perceived as someone who can actually help them.

After helping over 15,000 customers optimize their profiles, we know the formula to make you look like an authority in your profile.

Still on this Zoom call, together we go to the LinkedIn search to identify the exact target customer you are looking for.

Once we’ve identified this audience of ideal customers in the LinkedIn search, it’s as simple as hitting copy/paste on the URL and putting it into the Kennected Dashboard.

Our software then automatically sends up to 100 connection requests per day to the people in this target audience, saving you hours of tedious work each week.

The next thing we do on this call is set up proven messaging sequences that engage these people in your target audience.

This includes the connection message, as well as the first message after someone connects with you to start the conversation.

Again, our software automatically sends these messages on your behalf, so you don't need to waste any time doing this manually.

One of the cool features of this message is that we can 100% personalize it to each person by using their first name, company, industry and much more, so it doesn’t seem like the message is being sent by software.

And to make it even easier, you can have all your LinkedIn conversations from inside our robust inbox, where you can segment by sequence, industry, and much more. 

The next important thing we set up is your automated follow up messages.

Remember, the money is in the follow up so we need to continue messaging them until we get a response.

We set up these messages on a time delay to mimic human behavior, giving you the best chance of getting a response. For example, delay “127 minutes.”

Don't worry, anytime someone responds the software will automatically stop future messages so you don't blow your cover.

Now I know you may be thinking "how am I going to organize all of these conversations?"

Our founders struggled with this a ton when they were doing manual outreach before Kennected, and lost sales every week because of it.

So we created a simple messaging dashboard where you can tag conversations and respond to all your messages in one place for easy organization.

In other words… you’re getting an automated lead generation software AND a CRM all in one.

The great thing about this is you are only messaging people who have engaged with you, so you aren’t wasting any time on people who aren’t interested.

Through our software’s automated outreach process, you are able to book phone calls with your exact target customer largely on autopilot.

What does this mean to you?

Well that means you can say goodbye to cold calling, paid ads and wasting time manual prospecting.

Want to know the best part?

It typically takes less than 10 minutes per day to fill your sales pipeline using this strategy!

And this isn’t just another software tool for you to figure out how to use on your own...

We’re a marketing consulting firm working directly WITH you to set up your messaging sequences and all but guarantee your success…

Here’s how…

As part of your setup, you’ll get access to our exclusive training platform, Lead Flow Mastery...

Where we give you cutting edge tactics and strategies to maximize your success with LinkedIn lead generation.

Plus, after your initial 1 hour onboarding call, you’ll get 2 additional 30 minute strategy consultations to optimize your messaging and strategy.

And the personal attention doesn’t end there…

As part of your onboarding you get lifetime support!

So anytime you need technical or strategic support it’s as simple as starting a Live chat or booking a Zoom call with one of our local Lead Flow Specialists.

When you work with Kennected, you don't waste time, money and guesswork hoping your outreach will fill your sales pipeline.

You are plugging into the same strategy that’s already crushing it for thousands of business owners & sales professionals.

People like...

Crushing Quotas- "In 3 weeks I was able to amass basically a quarter of my business." 

Joseph Heraldo

Profession: Consultant


"In 3 weeks I was able to amass basically a quarter of my business." - Joseph Heraldo, Consultant at Baker Tilly

Secured Two Listings, Two Buyers, & Five Investors In 60 Days

Glenn Cunningham

Profession: Realtor


"I started using Kennected about 60 days ago. At the time I had less than 100 connections on LinkedIn and since then that's grown to almost 2,000... 

In that time I've secured two listings, one of which is actually under contract right now. I've secured two other buyers that are actively looking, and also five investors that are looking for investment properties... 

And that's not even including the hundreds of conversations that I've had one on one with great people that no doubt will lead to deals and referrals down the road...

It's added an entire stream of revenue to my business." -Glenn Cunningham, Realtor at Keller Williams

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Get Kennected Today!

  • ​Exclusive Access to Lead Flow Mastery                                                                             ($997 Value)
  • Lifetime License to Kennected’s Automated Lead Flow Software                        ($1,000 value)
  • ​​1 Hour Initial Coaching Session With One Of Our Lead Flow Specialists                ($500 Value)
  • Two 30 Minute Consulting Calls To Optimize Your Messaging & Strategy             ($500 Value)
  • Lifetime Technical & Strategic Support, No Annual Fees                                        ($3,000 Value)
  • Full KPI Dashboard to Track Campaigns & Collect Data                                               ($497 Value)
  • Over 30+ Proven Messaging Scripts                                                                                   ($297 Value)
  • ​3-7 Qualified Booked Appointments On Your Calendar Each Week              (Value: Priceless)

Total Value: $6,791

(First 50 People) Get Started Today For Only


  • ​Exclusive Access to Lead Flow Mastery ($997 Value)
  • Lifetime License to Kennected’s Automated Lead Flow Software ($1,000 value)
  • ​​1 Hour Initial Coaching Session With One Of Our Lead Flow Specialists      ($500 Value)
  • Two 30 Minute Consulting Calls To Optimize Your Messaging & Strategy             ($500 Value)
  • Lifetime Technical & Strategic Support, No Annual Fees          ($3,000 Value)
  • Full KPI Dashboard to Track Campaigns & Collect Data         ($497 Value)
  • Over 30+ Proven Messaging Scripts ($297 Value)
  • ​3-7 Qualified Booked Appointments On Your Calendar Each Week              (Value: Priceless)

Total Value: $6,791

(First 50 People) Get Started Today For Only


You may be thinking, "why would I go with you when there are cheaper options out there?"

Good question...

When we were pricing Kennected, we had 2 options...

The first option is we could sell it as cheap as possible and get as many customers as possible.

The problem is, that wouldn't give us the ability to stack the value to help you succeed.

Most of our competitors give you a software, but no help using it. They don't assist you with the STRATEGY you need to convert cold connections into paying clients on LinkedIn.

It's kind of like giving a teenager a car without putting them through Driver's Ed.

It doesn't usually end well.

The second option, which we obviously went with, was to charge a little more...

But in return, we are able to stack the value so you can actually get new clients/customers using our software!

This includes a ton of personal attention... like your 1 hour onboarding call (via Zoom), 2 follow up consulting calls, and lifetime technical & strategic support (in house). 

So in the end, it actually "costs" you nothing (because you are getting a return on your investment instead of burning money on a strategy that isn't working for you).

Subscription Pricing

The upfront investment you see above covers your LinkedIn training, lifetime support and lifetime access to the Kennected software...

Meaning you will always have access to your connections, messages and data collected using Kennected's software... no matter what.

To have the software sending out new connection requests and messages on a monthly basis, there is also a monthly subscription.

It's kind of like when you buy a cell phone, then pay for the monthly service plan.

The 2 plans you can choose are below:

You DO NOT need to worry about choosing your monthly plan right now.

We will talk you through this and get you set up on your initial onboarding call. 

All you need to take care of to get started today is the upfront investment of $1,497.

Showing you this now because we believe full transparency is good business.

Here's What To Do Next

Just click the "Get Kennected" button above or below and fill out the simple information on the next page...

Put in your name, your email address, and your credit card, and we will send you an email with access to the Lead Flow Mastery immediately. 

You'll be taken to a thank you page where you will book your 1 hour onboarding call with one of our Lead Flow Specialists (you'll also receive an email with this link just in case).

This is where we help you optimize your LinkedIn Profile, identify your target audience, help you write your first messaging sequences, and get your account running. 

The reality is that if you actually use the software and strategy we teach you, there's no reason why you can’t get at least one new client each month (which should more than cover your investment).

Like you've seen, this software has helped Kennected, and over 15,000 customers to collectively earn millions of dollars... without cold calling, paid advertising or manual prospecting.

But we're offering you this revolutionary software today for only $1497 (plus monthly subscription).

Here's why this is your best option

Let's take a look at what else you could get for $1,497 towards lead generation...

You could buy $1,497 in FB ads... but ROI is WAY DOWN on that platform and the tracking is f*ked (we're dealing with this ourselves).

You could buy a leads list with 90% garbage leads that you waste hours cold calling (and when the leads are gone, you need to buy another list and do the same crap)...

You could pay for a few dinners... which could get you a few new clients, but will not continue to get you a return.

OR... you can get our automated lead flow software that will keep filling your sales pipeline with highly qualified leads month after month (with very little effort on your part). 

So now you have 2 choices…

Choice #1: Do nothing and continue struggling to get new clients online while your competition takes them from right under your nose.

Choice #2: Get Kennected now, have our team set you up for success, and start filling your sales pipeline with highly qualified LinkedIn leads you can convert into paying clients this month.

The choice is yours.

Best of luck to you, and I can't wait to hear your success story.

Devin Johnson

Co-Founder / CEO @ Kennected

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm giving you Kennected's automated lead flow software that will consistently fill your sales pipeline with highly qualified LinkedIn leads month after month for only $1,497.

We have over 15,000 customers using this software (and strategy called the LinkedIn Sales Funnel) to fill their sales pipelines with highly qualified LinkedIn leads... without cold calling, paid advertising or manual prospecting.

Kennected used this exact strategy to earn our first Two Comma Club Award from Clickfunnels (for earning a million dollars in one funnel) in just 7 months...

And have helped our customers collectively generate over $150 Million.

Unlike other companies, we are here with you every step of the way with more than 2 hours of one on one training (as well as lifetime support via chat or Zoom).

You've got a ton of new business to gain, and little chance to lose.

So, Click the button below to get Kennected now. You won't regret it.

"This thing is cold calling for me all day long while I get back to work"

Jim Lehr

Profession: Digital Marketing Agency


As the owner of a digital marketing agency, Jim already saw the impact and value of online marketing. He was utilizing LinkedIn before coming across Kennected, and was manually cutting and pasting messages over and over to business owners that he was looking to me. 

Talking with Noble from Kennected he realized we... 


"Had a platform that could do for me what I was doing manually, completely automated... and it was fantastic!

The platform will allow you to prospect throughout the day on LinkedIn. I mean specific business owners, you can run the demographics and really narrow it down and hone in on who you're looking to meet. 

It's an outstanding prospecting tool. 

The folks at Kennected have been outstanding as far as the support is concerned. Anytime I've ever had a question, these guys get back to me right away. They helped me actually even with my messaging to my potential clients so they'll walk through what works, what doesn't work. And if I ever have any questions whatsoever, they get back to me immediately. 

I would say that it is a very targeted platform, very easy to use, it integrates with multiple CRMs... 

And essentially this thing is out there cold calling for me all day long while I get back to work. I can't even explain the value in that." 

"Kennected Is Going To Revolutionize The Way You Do Business"

Kele Diabate

Profession: YouTube Consultant
YouTube Channel:


 "Kennected is going to revolutionize the way you do business, and how you get in touch with business owners all over LinkedIn. 

These guys have been absolutely phenomenal... helping set up my campaigns straight and have the best results possible.

Pretty much you get one client and you make a profit out of it, right?" -Kele Diabate, Founder at Media Streamlined

"Solid ROI" In His First Month

Zach Hesterberg

Profession: Revenue Consultant


"I run Facebook ads for ecommerce stores... doing this I never have time to focus on learning LinkedIn. I didn't want to focus on learning I want to focus spending all my time actually doing it. 

So when I came across the idea of using an automation platform such as Kennected and having some guys help me set this up, I said hey this is a no brainer let's go ahead and give it a try. 

So I've been using it for right around a month maybe a little bit over that, and... I have over 29 leads or 29 conversations started just in the last eight days- Zach Hesterberg, 

We've got hundreds more success stories... will you be next? 


What happens after I purchase?

Once you fill in and submit the form above, the following will happen:

1. You'll be redirected to the thank you page where you will have the opportunity to schedule an onboarding call with a Lead Flow Specialist from our Customer Success Team. (On this onboarding call, we will help you optimize your LinkedIn profile, identify your target customer, and start your first messaging sequence so you can start seeing results quickly)
2. You  will receive an email with another link to schedule your onboarding, as well as access to our flagship course Lead Flow Mastery.
3. You will receive lifetime support, meaning we will continue working with you to ensure you are getting results using Kennected.

What is Lead Flow Mastery?

Lead Flow Mastery is our flagship education course teaching you:

-The most effective strategies to get results using Kennected
-How to build your personal brand so you look like an authority online
-How to optimize your LinkedIn profile and messages to attract new clients
-And MUCH more

You will get instant access to Lead Flow Mastery when you purchase Kennected above.

Can I get multiple accounts for my team? 

Yes, you can get as many accounts as you like for your team members! There are multiple tools to help you keep track of the whole team's results in one place. We even have a "Blacklist" feature that prevents multiple people from your team from connecting with the same person.

  How long are your contracts?

There are NO long term contracts or commitments. You can use Kennected month to month, and cancel at any time you'd like! Don't worry, with your lifetime license you won't lose your data if you pause or cancel.  

If I have questions, is there someone I can talk to?

Yes! We have an in house support team (trained in the latest digital marketing strategies) who can answer your questions during regular business hours! You can even get on a 1-on- 1 Zoom call for strategical or technical support at no additional charge to you.  

 Can I integrate my favorite CRMs with Kennected?

Yes! We can integrate the data collected through Kennected with most of the major CRMs like Hubspot, SalesForce, Pipedrive,, Active Campaign and many more.

 Who owns the data?

You do! Any data (including your users) is 100% owned by you. Kennected doesn't have permission to use that content or contact your users for any reason. Kennected collects your connections email, phone number and other data for YOU only!

How are you going to ensure you keep my account safe?

3 ways... 
1. We limit your account to 100 connections per day 
2. Our software mimics human behavior 
3. Our AI tracks your account status. If there is any kind of flag on the account, it will stop running the software 

Do I need LinkedIn Premium?

Only for our highest package. Most people do NOT need LinkedIn Premium to use Kennected. If you do need (or want) it, we can get you LinkedIn Premium for 80% off.

 Can I import my own leads in?

Yes! You can import your leads into Kennected and follow up with them through our simple dashboard.

Who does this work for? 

Any business owner or sales professional that needs leads for their business. We've worked with insurance agents, financial advisors, coaches/consultants, recruiters, network marketers, contractors, real estate agents, lawyers and dozens of other industries.

 How much time does this take?

Less than 2 hours a week to send personalized follow up messages to people who engage with you. Our software automates the outreach process, eliminating an average of 9 hours of prospecting work per week for our clients!

What do I need to use Kennected?

All you need to use Kennected is a LinkedIn account. There are plenty of other tools we can integrate with, but the only thing that's required is a regular LinkedIn profile.

 How much does it cost?

There is a one-time setup fee of $1,497, and minimal monthly maintenance fee ($89.99 or $149.99) to keep the account running. These vary based on the features you want access to, which you can see above. 

What do I get for the setup fee?

Our one-time setup fee gets you variety of services from our team to ensure your success using Kennected. These include:

-Onboarding call with one of our LinkedIn Lead Flow Specialists. On this call we will optimize your LinkedIn profile so people want to connect with you, show you how to use the software, get clear on your goals and setup your strategy accordingly with proven messaging scripts
-2 follow up one on one consulting calls to optimize your messages and learn best practices
-Lead Flow Mastery: Our video training course that teaches you how to best use Kennected & become an expert authority on LinkedIn
-Lifetime technical and strategic support
​-Lifetime license to the Kennected software

 What makes Kennected different?

We aren't just another software firm with a product... we are a consulting firm with a software offer. After helping our clients generate over $150 Million in revenue, we've figured out what works to grow your business. 

Anytime you need support in getting results, we are here to help you. Our software gives you leverage on your time, our consulting gets you results like no other company can deliver.
Master Your Network - All Rights Reserved - 2021   
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